Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Some Jackson Updates

Jackson is one month and one day old.

Jackson weighs 10.56 pounds

Jackson smiles in his sleep, and also rolls his eyes in the back of his head.

Jackson loves the sounds of the exhaust fan in the kitchen, mommy's hair dryer, the shower, and mommy and daddy's voices.

Jackson goes to bed at 8:00 pm, wakes up at 2:00 am, lays right back down and sleeps until 5-6 am (mommy and daddy could not be prouder)

Jackson has been sleeping in his own room for two weeks.

Jackson loves to swing, and go for evening walks around our courtyard.

Jackson loves milk.

Jackson has started to use his eyes to connect the audio with the visual.

Jackson can turn 180 degrees when laid on his tummy with not clothes or diaper on.

Jackson, Jackson Jackson, we love him sooo much!!!

On Our Own

This post is dedicated to my wonderful parents who sacrificed a great deal to be here with us during this huge transition. They were such wonderful helpers, and offered lots of needed advice. My mom was here for a total of five weeks, and dad was here for two. It was indeed a very sad day when they left, but they do have lives. Trevor and I got to experience what parenthood was like without them and it was a very different reality. I will not go into the details, but now it has been about two and a half weeks since they left, and we are starting to get the hang of this. Thanks mom and dad, you're the greatest!!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Jackson's Birth Story

Dr. Catherine Cheung and the Bergmans

It has been three weeks since Jackson joined us on the outside, and I can't say every single moment been blissful, but we are still in most ways speechless at how cool being a parent is. Trevor and I are so proud of him and who he is already. It was wonderful having my parents here to share in this experience with us as well. So on with the story.

If you refer to my second or third post, I go on and on about why we chose to deliver in Hong Kong as opposed to China. One of the main reasons we went with Hong Kong was to have a fair shot at a natural delivery. Things sure did change. I knew that having a baby overseas would be more stressful than having it in my own country, but I did underestimate the stress that would come with not only having a baby overseas, but then leaving that country for another one two hours down the road. Delivering Jackson in Hong Kong was for sure the right choice, but everything besides the delivery was less than desirable, and made me second guess our decision. To make a long, dramatic story short and blunt, I elected to have a C-section at 39 weeks.

It turned out to be soo wonderful. I am sure that delivering naturally would have been the ultimate experience as a woman, but I could not handle all the balls I was juggling while in Hong Kong. My doctor was fine with it, and she was wonderful. I checked into the hospital the night of the 23rd. They checked Jackons heart beat, did a few other things, and then I actually left and spent that night back in our hotel. The next morning I showed up at the hospital at 7. By 8 I was being prepped for surgery, Trevor got to be with me the entire time. At 9 I was given a spinal, and at 9:26 Jackson was born. The hospital was wonderful, the nurses were awesome, and I cannot say enough good things about my doctor. I felt sooo taken care of, and Trevor and my mom were such great supports. After Jackson was delivered, they took him a few feet away, and did all the normal things that they do, I got to watch as they sewed me back together, and Trevor was taking lots of pictures. An hour later I was back in my room bonding with Jackson. We Skyped all of our family and they got to see him on the webcams.

I had a semi private room and according to the hospital this meant that I could only have Jackson when he needed to be fed. I was a little nervous about how this would work out, but I was pleasantly surprised. They let him stay with me as much as I could possibly want, and I could request that he be taken away if I needed to rest. I didn't rest very much at all actually, I was way too excited for that. Jackson started breast feeding right away. I was producing tons of colostrum, and he seemed satisfied. I was up and out of the bed on my own 24 hours after Jackson was born. I felt pain, but I could still function.

Jackson and I were able to be discharged on Sunday morning. He was not jaundice, and I was good to go, so we were off. My milk came in on Day 4 and he has been feeding and gaining weight consistently now for three weeks. I feel very blessed to breast feed him, it is such a special gift.

So, that is pretty much how the story goes.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Week 2 With Little Jackson

Cuddling with Mamaw

First Photos with Mommy (with open eyes)

In Daddy's arms

Burping on Mamaw

Morning Concert with Papaw