Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Some Jackson Updates

Jackson is one month and one day old.

Jackson weighs 10.56 pounds

Jackson smiles in his sleep, and also rolls his eyes in the back of his head.

Jackson loves the sounds of the exhaust fan in the kitchen, mommy's hair dryer, the shower, and mommy and daddy's voices.

Jackson goes to bed at 8:00 pm, wakes up at 2:00 am, lays right back down and sleeps until 5-6 am (mommy and daddy could not be prouder)

Jackson has been sleeping in his own room for two weeks.

Jackson loves to swing, and go for evening walks around our courtyard.

Jackson loves milk.

Jackson has started to use his eyes to connect the audio with the visual.

Jackson can turn 180 degrees when laid on his tummy with not clothes or diaper on.

Jackson, Jackson Jackson, we love him sooo much!!!

1 comment:

Janette said...

I can see some of your dad in him! He is so precious...and yay for the wonderful sleeper! Probably in about 3-4 weeks or so, he'll start cutting out that middle of the night feeding and sleep until the next morning--which is wonderful! And I know what you mean about once your parents leave--especially your mom. I'm glad it's getting easier! :)