Sunday, April 26, 2009

My Husband Rocks

THis past weekend we took part in the Southern Delta Region Conference middle school basketball tournament. Trevor was in charge of the entire event. He organized everything from buses, food, uniforms, coaches, dinners, nurses, pep rallys, substitute teachers, videos, websites, game booklets, name tags, referees, players, play lists, crutches, ice packs, a basketball team, coaches lounge, parents lounge, media crews, and more. Trevor is very talented, but he is at his best when he is organizing big events. He has been doing these kinds of events for while now, but this tournament was the best he has done yet. I love watching him doing things he is really good at and excited about about!! It was a great weekend, and there is still a bit of afterglow around our house. Here is a short clip of the video of the opening ceremoney.

Oh, and here is the link to the website that was put together for the event!!

Potty Training a Six Month Yr. Old

So, I was first educated about infant potty training while living in Myanmar. A fellow teacher/friend had given birth to a baby boy, and the baby's nanny started potty training him right away. By five months he was totally trained. People in Myanmar can't afford disposable, or cloth diapers, so they have to teach their babies early. In China this is also the case. Actually I am not sure if it's all about money, but for whatever reason, babies learn early here.

Here is a little explanation:
Anticipate when your infant needs to go, then at that moment, make a watery sound such as "sssss" or say "pee pee" if you prefer. Alternatively, if your baby starts to go while you are observing her, immediately make the "sssss" sound. Within days, she will associate this sound with elimination.
When you think she needs to go, hold her gently and securely over your preferred toilet place while giving your audible signal. If it is near time to go, infants are able to relax those muscles and release their elimination upon receiving your cues. She will soon associate the sound, position and place with elimination. Use whatever location and receptacle are most comfy and convenient.

A few months ago, AhJiao (Jackson's nanny) told me Jackson was potty trained. I was shocked. I didn't even know she was training him. I decided that I would be easy going about this and just let her continue. It would at least save us money on diapers. The potty training ends when I am duty, I just don't have the technique or patience.

Last Friday I came home from work early and I found AhJiao and Jackson in the courtyard of our building. AhJiao had told me previously that all this potty training works better outside since you don't have to worry about a toilet. By the way I am not crazy, everyone does this, in fact I saw a grown man peeing in the courtyard this morning. It's just China. I decided to ask AhJiao to show me how Jackson is potty trained, and this is what I got.

He did it!! I was kind of embarrassed for him, but for real this is totally common here. I wonder what will happen when we move?

Two New Videos

Now that I have learned to post videos, they will probably be coming more often. They first video is of Jackson's laughter. We have heard him laugh harder than this, but it is not super easy to make him laugh. I practically gave myslef a headache from bobbing my head all around getting this laugh from him.
The second video is of Jackson eating his dinner. He was mostly finished at the time of the recording, but it's still fun to see. The reason his arms are always flapping is becuase there is a shiny camera nearby.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Jackson Makes Me Giddy!!!

It's true, the though of Jackson makes me squeal inside and out. There were a few months when the thought of him made me feel confused, tired, and quite unsure of myself, but those thoughts have all long vanished, and I am thrilled at the thought of him. Each day around 3 pm (when school finishes)I start thinking about the fact that within an hour I will be with him. I am the first one off the bus on the ride home, and I speed walk the short way to the house. I remember the days when I was this crazy about Trevor, it's not that I am not crazy about him now, but ya, I guess my giddiness has toned down a bit over the past six years....too bad, maybe I should do something about that. Anyway, we celebrated Spring Break a few weeks ago, and Trevor and I got to spend 10 uninterrupted days with Jackson, traveling around Malaysia. Actually it was not as easy as we thought it would be, maybe that is because we were in Malaysia and not home. It was actually the least restful holiday we have ever had, oh well, I guess that is what happens when you yank a five month old from his normal routine, bed, and environment, and take him some place new. Other than not getting much rest we did have a great time eating, shopping, swimming and hanging out as a family. Here are some photos and a video of the good times we had.

Jackson gnawing on some tropical fruit.
This is the Shique from Mozambique in honor of grandpa Bergman
The owners of this Indian place babysat Jackson while we ate. They loved him. They even offered to go out and buy bananas for him.
One of our favorite things about the holiday was the beautiful skies. You need to be thankful if you see these kinds of skies on a regular basis. We just don't see them hardly at all in CHina.
Me and Jackson on teh beach
Resting after a hard spash session
He is not scared of the water at all. Showing off his cute little body!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


For those of you not up to date, Trevor and I have been through and are looking towards some major transitions in the near future. During 2008 we got pregnant, bought a house, rented out our house, finished graduate degrees, had a baby, and decided that we would not be returning to our jobs, life, home, friends, and culture in China. The beginning of 2009 was not very long ago, and in 2 months we are facing a move to North America (we still don't know if that means Texas or Canada), adjusting to life at "home", financial crisis, change of jobs, home, culture ect. Being the planner that I am I would like to have some idea of where we might be living so I can inform the shipping where to ship our things, I would like to know which family we would get to live near, I would like to know where to look for job openings, churches and all the other things that make up life. At this point Trevor and I don't have answers to any of these questions. Honestly most of the time I am at total peace about this. We are in a good place, and I know that we will be fine, but there are times when I get bursts of planning energy and I don't know what to do with it, and that is where my title comes from. When this energy comes I feel scattered, I don't always know where to channel it. As I write this I know that the Lord is more than capable of helping me burn off this energy and I guess I should just seek Him. He is the one that has created me this way, and knows how hard it is for me to not know what the future holds.

How do you channel your nervous/excited/planning energy when there is nothing concrete to plan?

Another theme the Lord is teaching me is to be patient and wait. Again, I am mostly OK with this, but I do struggle with doing something rather than waiting.