Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Adventure Begins

I realize that I have a hard time managing a blog unless there is a specific purpose or theme. I decided that I would choose a theme based on the adventure that Trevor and I are aboout to have. I have 1 more day of work, and this marks the first of many milestones. I will stop working for 4.5 months.

Let me take this opportunity to brag about my school and the occupation of "International School Teacher". Yes, that was 4.5 months, 3.5 months I will get a full salary, and that last month I have chosen to take as personal leave. I am not sure what I would be getting back home, but I am pretty sure this is more. The insurance that the school provides pays for 100 % of this special little baby, so we are very thankful. Trevor will get two weeks paid leave, and if we need more time, we can request it, it will just be without pay.

Anyway, I have never stopped working for this long of a time span. I got my first job when I was 16, and I have been working ever since. I love working, I love earning money, and I love saving it, and then spending it, and ya, just managing it. I realize that maternity leave is not a vacation by any means, but well, ya living in Hong Kong for a month will be pretty awesome, especially with my mom there. I will post another blog about not only have a baby overseas, but then leaving that overseas country to go to another country to have the baby. WOW...we never thought it could get this complicated.

So, 1 day left. God has provided an amazing substitute for my classes. If you don't know I teach middle school beginners band, intermediate band, music apprecitaion and high school choir. THere are not many people walking around the streets of China looking for a job like that, who speak perfectly good English. THere was one though. My relief teacher is from NOrway, and she not only has her bachelors of music, but also her masters. She is young and energetic, and seems to really enjoy the opportunity of taking my classes. THis week she has been the boss of the classroom and I have just been running around making sure everything is organized for her.

I must say, I am just so amazed at how this has all worked out. I am so thankful, and could list tons of miracles that have already taken place thoughout this journey. I am happy that I now have a blog theme and that I will probably be more motivated in writing as I now have direction.

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