Sunday, April 26, 2009

Two New Videos

Now that I have learned to post videos, they will probably be coming more often. They first video is of Jackson's laughter. We have heard him laugh harder than this, but it is not super easy to make him laugh. I practically gave myslef a headache from bobbing my head all around getting this laugh from him.
The second video is of Jackson eating his dinner. He was mostly finished at the time of the recording, but it's still fun to see. The reason his arms are always flapping is becuase there is a shiny camera nearby.

1 comment:

Janette said...

I say the reason it's hard to make him laugh is that he has a really sophisticated sense of humor and needs something REALLY funny before he'll laugh about it! :)

That little guy is going to be ready for stuff he can chew on before you know it! I'm impressed with how he "chews" when you put the spoon in his mouth!