Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Photos From the Past Week

Taken a few minutes ago. C'mon already Jackon
Mom getting cozy, even though she is over jet lag.
A self portrait.
Outside the doctors office at 38 weeks.
Mom taking photos at Stanley.
Lots of boats.
Me and Jackson at Deep Water Bay.
A random meeting with old friends from Myanmar.


Jackie said...

Bethany, you look fantastic! I was beginning to wonder when you hadn't posted in a few days, but I guess he's not in too big of a hurry. He'll get here in his own perfect time. :)

Jivin' Jacobsens said...


You can't rush perfection! ;)

Enjoy the cookies and other goodies I packed....if you don't like them, feel free to re-gift them. I won't be offended....unless you regift the cookies! Then I'll be appalled! ;)
(Do you KNOW how much self-control it took to not eat YOUR cookies??? I had to stick them in the freezer and resist temptation! Man.....just kidding) :)


Harnetts said...

Hey thanks for the great blogging. We're praying that little Jackson comes sooner rather then later and that he comes naturally and healthy and that Trevor is able to be there along side you to support and encourage you and witness the most incredible experience you both will endure. Blessings to you two...I mean three. Keep up with the posts and take comfort that it's not so bad the whole labour thing. It's actually a really exciting experience. One that people do over and over again. Like us for example ;) Take care and keep us posted asap.
We're praying for you,
Love Jen (for Justin, Sam, Mattias and Saffron)